/ Company

From October 22 to 26, 2023, Pattyn was at the center of one of the most prestigious trade shows for innovation in the bakery and pastry industry. The five days at Iba 2023 became a memorable journey filled with engaging discussions and introductions to new faces. Our dedicated team was onsite throughout the entire event to answer any questions and share in the excitement.

Experience that excitement once again by watching our aftermovie 👇.

Iba 2023 gave us the perfect opportunity to showcase the future of bakery packaging. With live demonstrations of our cutting-edge packaging line, visitors got an exclusive insight into the possibilities of our packaging solutions:

  1. Argoswing-41: A universal 3-in-1 robotic solution tailored for the bakery industry. It showcased its ability in quality control, counting and pick and place tasks, and demonstrated its flexibility in handling a variety of frozen bread products.
  2. CEFLEX-41: Pattyn's combined solution for case erecting and bag inserting, demonstrated its exceptional convenience and floor space optimization capabilities.

At Pattyn, we value the chance to partner with you to enhance your packaging processes, today and in the future.