Our 'PATTYNNOVATION DAYS' from March 28 - 30 was a great success. Since we have moved into our new building in Sussex, Wisconsin in 2021 Pattyn has been developing many new revolutionary machines and turnkey solutions. With the added warehouse and showroom space we thought what better time to organize an event to host our own exhibition to showcase not only our new building, to better serve our customers within the United States, but to also highlight the technology and machines we have been working on.
We displayed a completely operational packaging line, which attendees could see in action during a live demonstration. Within this line, the showpiece was our newest Robotic solution: ArgoSwing-31. A revolutionary and unique 3-in-1 robot packaging solution for the bakery industry including quality control, counting, and pick-and-place.
We were also able to showcase a solution for the bulk solids industry that was on demonstration throughout the event. From our Case Erector, Bag Inserter, Weigh Filler, to an Integrated Bag Decuffer and Case Closer our attendees were able to see the application from a flat box to a perfectly filled closed box.
In addition to our standalone machines being placed throughout the warehouse, visitors enjoyed an interactive presentation from Stan Pattyn introducing them to how we got our start in the packaging world to a growing company of 350+ employees world wide. We also shared our B-I-B beer with a visit and tour at the local MobCraft brewery where Pattyn North America has a private label beer...Beer in a can from the Bag-in-Box people!
We enjoyed every day from the interactive demonstrations, various project conversations and opportunities, to the evening reception.
Thank you for being there, this event would not have been the success it was without U!