/ Expert Article

In the previous article we discussed how to increase labor efficiency and deal with peaks in demand. In this second post, we will discuss the second benefit of packaging automation: Increase food packaging capacity without plant expansion.

Running higher volumes

The food industry is sometimes confronted with peaks in demand or you may just need to increase your processing & packaging capacity. A plant expansion may seem as a logical decision when facing these challenges. However, scarcity, high price of building lots or legal permits may prevent you from taking this step. Thus another solution is required to run high volumes, sometimes at short notice. 

Better use of available space with combined solutions

It would be a logical assumption to think that automated packaging requires additional space to run at a higher capacity. However, our technology continues to be improved in both surface use and production capacity.

Combined solutions and smaller machine models, such as a combined case erector- bagmaker inserter, allow for optimal use of your limited available space.

Thanks to this automated case erecting and bag inserting process you no longer need to provide a big storage area to manually set up boxes, insert bags and store the preassembled boxes.

Furthermore, automated packaging lines are able to run at different speeds to match your specific production requirements and peaks in demand.

A more structured and organized packaging process

Aside from better surface use, automation of your packaging line also creates a more structured and organized approach. As the buffer of preassembled boxes is eliminated, you save a lot of space and get a much better overview. With automated and just-in-time case erecting and bag inserting, your boxes will be ready exactly when needed. You don’t have to keep checking if you have sufficient preassembled boxes to keep up with your production.

To conclude, a plant expansion may not be necessary to increase your production & packaging capacity. A better use of space, by automating your packaging line or using combined machines may hand you the solution.

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Increase food packaging capacity